
The TCS9163 is a cost-effective,single P-MOSFETload switch with ultra-low Rps(ow, optimized fo!self-powered and bus-powered Universal SeriaBus (UsB) applications. input voltage from 2.5Vto 5.5V, making it ideal for both 3V and 5Vsystems. A built-in P-channel MOSFET with trueshutdown function to eliminate any reversedcurrent flow across the switch. When outputvoltage is higher than input voltage, powerswitch is turned off.
The TCS9163 offers a programmable currentlimit threshold between 400mA to2.4A via anexternal resistor.
- Integrated 60mΩ Power MOSFET
- 1uA Typical at Switch Off State
- Wide input Voltage Range:2.5V to 5.5V
- Fast Transient Response:8us
- 0.1ms Typical Rise Time
- Reverse Current Flow Blocking
- Automatic output discharge at shutdown
- Thermal Shutdown Protection
- Hot Plug-In Application (Soft-Start)
- SOT-23-5 Package