

Drive technological progress with innovation, provide customers with excellent chip products, and help the development of the intelligent world

Product Description

The TCS4632 is a synchronous, step-down constanton-time buck regulator capable of driving 6Acontinuous load current. The TCS4632 can operatewith an input range from 4.5V to 30V and the outputcan be externally set dow to 0.8V. The TCS4632provides excellent transient response with constant on-time control method while maintaining a nearlyconstant frequency. The switching frequency can beexternally programmed fom 100KHz to 1MHz
Fault condition protection includes VlN under-voltagelockout, cycle-by-cycle current limiting, output overvoltage protection, output under-voltage protection, aswell as thermal shutdown. Internal soft-start minimizesthe inrush supply current and the output overshoot atinitial startup.
The TCS4632 is available in a 4mmx 4mm TOFN-23package.



