
The TCS5290 is a high effciency boost regulator with6 channel current sinker which is ideal for media sizeLCD backlighting applications.
The device with integrated 2.5A/43V power MOSFETuses current mode architecture and drives six strings inparallel and supports up to 10 pieces of LEDs perstring. The switching frequency is programmable by anextemnal frequency setting resistor. The TCS5290regulates the current in each LED string to theprogrammed value set by an external current settingresistor. The TCS5290 current matching can achieve+2%.To provide enough headroom for the operating ofcurrent sink,boost converter monitors the minimumvoltage of feedback pins and regulates an optimizecoutput voltage for power efficiency
The TCS5290 has wide input voltage range ftom 2.5Vto 24V and provides adjustable 5mA to 50mA LEDcurrent. It provides cycle-by-cycle over currentprotection. The device supports PWM dimmingfunctions for accurate LED current control.The TCS5290 integrated multiple protect functions.such as LED open, LED short, output over voltage.over thermal and under voltage lockout,theseprotections will prevent the LD backlight fomdamage.
The TCS5290 is available in a 3x3mm TOFN-20Lpackage.